Web App: Bobafied

Bobafied is a Node.js web application that allows users to post about their favorite drinks!

Live Demo

Click HERE to see live demo

OR https://bobafied.herokuapp.com/

  • Login: guest
  • Password: demo


  • Authentication:
    • User signup
    • User login
  • Authorization:
    • Must be logged in to create or edit new posts/comments
    • Must be logged in to like/unlike posts
    • Cannot delete or edit other users posts/comments
  • Functionality:
    • Create, view, edit, and delete posts and comments (CRUD)
    • Upload photos via URL's
    • Flash messages
    • Responsive web design
  • Custom features:
    • Like button with like counter
    • Pagination
    • Time stamps using moment.js
    • Google Fonts/Font Awesome

Built with:

  • Front-end
    • HTML5
    • CSS3
    • Bootstrap
    • Google Fonts
    • Font-Awesome

  • Back-end
    • Express
    • MongoDB
    • Mongoose
    • EJS
    • Passport
    • Body-parser
    • Express-session
    • Moment
    • Connect-flash

  • Deployment
    • Heroku
    • MongoDB Atlas